Our MRD project was a long process. From research collection, getting interviews, and building ideas, to the editing and general production, the MRD documentary was tough.
In it, we provide useful insights into the current and developing technologies of Mobility, Robotics, and Drone domains. Many of these technologies have taken the world by storm, and a good few of them have an underlying technological commonality: AI.
The pervasiveness of AI has infiltrated just about every industry under the sun, and while MRD is no exception, it is by no means as "out-of-left-field" as some other industries. Robotics and replaced limbs have had, historically, a great deal of cross-over in pop culture and predictive media.
Our documentary goes briefly over the development of technology in the last 100 years, noting certain mechanical marvels, but focuses on the digital. Briefly, AI and its impacts are explained, as well as how AI is currently being used.
Mobility goes over how technology is being leveraged to allow humans better movement, or better control of their bodies. This includes bionic limb technology, a segment on eye replacement/vision assistance with AI, and implications of "implanting" advanced technology.
Robotics covers primarily automation sectors. We go into detail about manufacturing advances and ways in which companies are automating what used to be tedious/time-consuming processes, such as factory work, monitoring, robots as assistants, and replacement of some human labor. For the last segment, we note some advances in companies/organizations using robots to substitute humans in certain roles, such as the NYPD Subway Bot.
Drones are a study in surveillance, primarily, as drone technology leverages the air to make more astute observations about the world. AI enhances these capabilities by making smarter decisions, on-the-fly analysis, and data modeling.
We also discuss ethical and legal implications on the general population, as well as how businesses may differ in their approach towards these technologies.
Foresight Tool Usage:
While some of the foresight tools were more useful than others in the process of making the actual documentary, they provided ways to structure information more roundedly. Utilizing them allowed us to somewhat streamline the direction of our research, as well as how the information was to be analyzed/conveyed. 
While the SWOT was essentially the first done, it also yielded good structure in what aspects of robotics are important to explore. Where are there gaps in the industry? What are business leaders and innovation leaders exploiting for their benefit? For the benefit of innovation?
The forecasting funnel, too, acted as a directional tool. Narrowed the scope of an otherwise incredibly complicated and large topic. It helped us lean into the digital and data side of MRD rather than any physics technology involved. This helped us in our focus on AI as well.
The Time cone was the preliminary forecasting tool, rather than structure. Instead of narrowing our research topics, it widened them. Looking through various possible outcomes of current technologies, some less substantiated than others, allowed us to filter through the likely and unlikely future scenarios.
The scenario tool was one of the less useful. With a functional outline, the scenario was essentially a repetition of what we had already discussed about how we would go about our research and project. In a sense, it acted similarly to the forecasting funnel, but less narrowing.
Macro was a good tool to use to clarify large areas of conversation regarding MRD. It allowed us to see, visually, the big areas of focus, and the largest "affected" and "affecting" industries/aspects of society. This framework allowed us to build up the effects of MRD innovation into more specific categories.
The fringe sketch, similarly to the macro tool, allowed a wide variety of cascading impacts to be analyzed. How did certain events/topics affect one another, and how were they interconnected? What, where, and how, were, in essence, the main questions that the fringe sketch helped us outline the answers to.
Cipher gave us a look into specific utilization of MRD tech. More specifically, it gave us details on what topics could be included in the final documentary. Otherwise, served mostly as an additive tool to our general research.
Axes of uncertainty was, in essence, a testing tool. What were the limitations on the scope of these technologies, what were the concerns? By narrowing down answers to these questions, we could further analyze how the industries may change in the future more accurately. If there are legal issues concerning AI vehicles, for instance, then it implies a degree of "slow-down" in the application of the technology. While development itself may remain uninhibited, the actual roll-out of AI-driving vehicles may be hampered due to legislative blocks.
Personal/Professional Review:
As current and future professionals, an exercise in in-depth research and forecasting is always useful. Looking ahead is a great way to understand how to adjust course in our lives and daily careers so that we aren't swept up by the undercurrent of change. 
As the world changes faster and faster, and being quick on your feet and full of information become increasingly important skills, it is imperative that the development of these capabilities is fostered. In a learning environment, this means support is offered to deepen and strengthen those abilities.
For personal life, this means a greater ability to handle challenges as they arise, and better scoping tools for figuring out the validity/merits of certain decisions. From a professional perspective, forecasting is important for understanding potentially impacted industries. If an upcoming technology may subvert an entire product base, it would be wise to be informed of that ahead of time to ensure proactive measures are taken to minimize personal blow-back.
That means implementing a strategy of continuous education. Whether out of school or not, it will become necessary to consistently understand the waves of change cascading around us, regardless of whether their immediate effects are noticeable. Increasingly sophisticated AI technologies, especially, will pose a threat to human professions in the long term. Even if in the immediate timeline AI may only function to enhance human efficiency, the possibility of AGIs or sentient AI may mean the fizzling out of human work in some industries. As such, one must be aware of the advances that underpin the development of such technologies.

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